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Glass Buildings


Who Are We

Through the years Mitko's practice has been focused on advising and providing solutions to companies or entrepreneurs active in the following markets and industries in Bulgaria, The European Union and The European Economic Area:


○   Radio, space, satellite, other scarce resources, MVNO 

○   ISP, private & public telco infrastructure, clouds

○   International coordination of telco resources


Media & Media service provision,

video sharing, streaming 

Banking, Finance & Payments 

traditional banking and fintech 


Automotive and Transportation

○    Car manufacturing, connected cars and driverless technologies

○ Infotainment and localization technologies in  automotive and transportation 



○   Gaming, IPRs, copyright, distribution channels

○   Quantum computing, cloud computing, AI 

○   Machine learning, M2M, Distance learning 

○   Biotechnology 


Digital enterprises; E- and Digital assets

○ E-identification, enforceable E-signing of business transactions 

○   Information security and cybersecurity

○   E-commerce, Services of Information Society

○   Business Process Outsourcing

○   DevOps for international companies 

○   Digital transformation 



○   Compliant use of sensitive data 

○   Management of tech solutions for vulnerable groups 

○   R&D for medical, clinical and pharma industry

○   R&D as a business model


Data centers & Data assets

○   Semiconductor and infrastructure software products

○   R&D

○   Data protection

○   PaaS, IaaS

○   IoT, Big Data and Internet of Everything 


○   SaaS

○   Open-source software

○   Software development as a product

○  Patent eligibility of computer programs for  payment, healthcare, business management and enterprise solutions 

Social media regulations and compliance

○  Online detection and prevention of self-harming or suicidal behavior

○ Social media tools serving corporate, social or  business responsibility practices

○   Content liability

○   Online platform liability

○   SCCs

Hotel, Travel & Accommodation 

Real estate & Construction       

Foods and beverages, alcoholic regulations 


Energy & Natural resources

○   Nuclear inventions, protection and onboarding 

○   Chemical industry, compliance

The advice and solutions rendered have been adapted to the pace of development and applicability of technology as aligned to the pace of adopting and practically applying relevant regulations, so to provide the clients with real time working solutions on the above markets and industry sectors, or at clients’ investments in other tech related enterprises.

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